


今天我们回访了德国TPM客户 ,以找到他们在使用DTS30和 Testlab软件一年之后的履历。用户Tim Lümkemann说 ,很是兴奋使用功效强盛、无邪的Testlab软件以及体现优异的DTS30试验系统 ,完全知足了客户需求。特殊值得一提的是 ,Tim说 ,该软件的易用性和可扩展性使其易于修改 ,以知足德国试验规范的要求。

New World Class ARRB Facility in Port Melbourne


(ARRB Facility, Port Melbourne, Australia,? July 2018)

(ARRB ,墨尔本港 ,澳大利亚 ,2018.07)


Pavetest新闻简报? ??Pavetest新闻简报

The Australian Road Research Board (ARRB)? has announced it is in the process of building a new world class testing laboratory in Port Melbourne.? ARRB is relocating its premises from its old location in Wantirna. Pavetest was privileged to be awarded the contract to supply the majority of new equipment in this state of the art facility. ARRB has the most prestigious pavement materials testing laboratory in Australia. Included in the 15 new systems are; another servo-pneumatic 4PB system, three DTS-16, one DTS-30, one DTS-130 and various testing kits for testing asphalt, unbound granular and foam stabilized materials. ARRB Principal Professional, Laboratories, Strategic Enablers Group,? stated? "Pavetest was the preferred choice not only on price but mainly due to the confidence he has in the products and technical ability of Pavetest staff."The majority of equipment has been delivered and installation has commenced.? (July, 2018)

澳大利亚公路研究院(ARRB)宣布正在墨尔本港制作一座新的测试实验室。ARRB正从瓦特尔纳的旧址重新迁徙出来。Pavetest有幸被授予条约 ,为这个先进的工厂提供大部分新装备。ARRB拥有澳大利亚较负盛名的路面质料测试实验室。拥有15套新试验系统 ,包括:四点弯曲小梁疲劳试验系统、3套DTS-16 ,一套DTS-30 ,一套DTS-130和种种各样的试验夹具用于测试沥青混淆料、非胶结料、泡沫稳固质料等。ARRB专家、实验室带动人、战略家Shannon Malone说“之以是选择Pavetest ,不但是由于价钱 ,主要是对Pavetest职员的手艺能力和产品充满信心”。大部分装备已经交付并最先装置。

Testlab method file for Adaptive Strain Control of Concrete Beams


(IIT Kharagpur, India, July 2018)

(印度理工学院 ,印度 ,2018.07)


4PT averaged strain control on concrete beam,IIT Kharagpur, India

混凝土4点弯曲梁应变控制试验 ,印度理工学院

IIT Kharagpur have successfully modified a Testlab method for testing concrete beams running it with on specimen strain control by the use of two LVDTs averaging specimen? strain.? Doctoral scholar, Mr Sridhar Reddy, stated that? "The overall performance of DTS30 is very great, I've been using the machine from past 2.5 years and would love to use such machines. The best part of it is easy and user friendly versions of Testlab software, a flexible and elegant one for any user. One can customize and play with the write up and editing part of any formula in the software, which is highly desirable for researchers. The service and support team of Pavetest are very friendly, able to reach the user to troubleshoot the problems in 24 hours if any. I am pretty confident and say that Pavetest is much better than others."Sridhar Reddy, IIT Kharagpur, India

印度理工学院通过使用两个LVDTs平均试样应变 ,乐成地刷新了用于测试混凝土梁在试样应变控制下运行的Testlab试验要领。Sridhar Reddy博士说 “DTS30的整体体现很是棒 ,我已往两年半一直使用该台仪器 ,很愿意使用这样的机械。其中很是好的就是Testlab软件界面友好、精练无邪。软件中恣意公式的编辑都可以定制和使用 ,这对研究职员来说是很是理想的。Pavetest的效劳和支持团队很是友好 ,能够在24小时内帮客户解决问题。我可以很自信的说pavetest是很棒的 ,远超其他厂家。

New laboratory for - India equipped with Pavetest and Matest equipment


(NIT Srinagar, India ,July 2018)

(印度NIT斯利那加实验室 ,印度 ,2018.07)

Pavetest新闻简报? ?Pavetest新闻简报

DTS16 和4PT试验装备? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?AMPT 试验机

In July, Pavetest successfully installed asphalt testing equipment into a new laboratory for NIT Srinagar. The main testing machines were and AMPT, DTS16 and 4pt stand alone system.?

7月份 ,Pavetest为印度NIT斯利那加实验室乐成地装置了沥青试验装备。主要试验装备有AMPT ,DTS16和自力4点弯曲小梁试验系统。

The Matest/Pavetest Agent,? Mr Nilesh Laiya from JP Scientific said"It was indeed an? exciting moment executing order of NIT-Srinagar as the order was for number of equipment from Matest and Pavetest . Despite all odd political situation and condition at Srinagar, as the whole world knows, I was eager to execute the order as it was first AMPT of Pavetest in India. All went well. We successfully installed the AMPT , DTS-16, stand alone 4PB and show demonstration on samples prepared on supplied Matest roller compactor , core drilling and cutting machine.

Matest/Pavetest 的署理商 ,JP Scientific的Nilesh Laiya先生说“执行NIT斯利那加的订单确实是一个激感人心的时刻 ,大大都装备来自Matest和Pavetest。众所周知 ,只管斯利那加有种种希奇的政治时势和状态 ,我仍然盼愿执行 ,由于这是印度首套Pavetest的AMPT。一切运转优异。我们乐成装置了AMPT ,DTS-16 ,自力四点弯曲疲劳试验机4PB ,用供应的Matest轮碾成型机、钻芯机和切割机举行了试样制备

After installation the? students performed a few more tests and called me whenever they got stuck during the operation of Pavetest equipment. Students are queued up to get their PhD done at NIT-Srinagar rather than going away from the state. Prof. M.S.Mir is quite happy after installation and students are excited to work on Matest and Pavetest range of equipment they have"

装置后 ,学生举行了多项测试 ,当他们在Pavetest装备的操作历程中遇到问题时 ,就会给我打电话相同解决。学生们宁愿排着队在斯利那加的Matest装备完成他们的博士学业 ,也不肯意脱离这个州。M.S.Mir 教授相当知足装备装置后的情形 ,学生们起劲使用他们拥有的Matest和Pavetest装备。”

Advanced Training on AMPT at ACES site, QATAR by Pavetest CEO


(ACES site, Doha Qatar, July 2018)

(ACES,卡塔尔 ,2018.07)


Pavetest CEO,? Con Sinadinos? called into ACES site, Qatar on his way home from holidays in Greece to provide advanced training on AMPT machine for the agent and customer.

Pavetest执行官 ,ConSinadinos在希腊度假竣事 ,回国途中 ,来到卡塔尔ACES现场 ,为经销商和用户做了专业培训。

Experience with Pavetest Testlab software after first year of use


?(TPM, Germany)



2017 装置在德国TPM的DTS30测试系统

Today we revisit our customer TPM in Germany to find their experiences using DTS30 and Testlab software after first year of use. Tim Lümkemann said, he is delighted with the power and flexibility of the Testlab software and the performance of the DTS30 machine was meeting his requirements.In particular, Tim said the ease of use and extensibility of the software allowed easy modification to suit the German testing standard requirements.

今天我们回访了德国TPM客户 ,以找到他们在使用DTS30和 Testlab软件一年之后的履历。用户Tim Lümkemann说 ,很是兴奋使用功效强盛、无邪的Testlab软件以及体现优异的DTS30试验系统 ,完全知足了客户需求。特殊值得一提的是 ,Tim说 ,该软件的易用性和可扩展性使其易于修改 ,以知足德国试验规范的要求。
